The secrets to achieving superhost status on Airbnb

On the online accommodation platform Airbnb, superhost status is awarded to the most successful and invested hosts. This status enables them to stand out from other available accommodations and benefit from several advantages. In this article, we reveal how to obtain this precious sesame in order to offer your travelers an unforgettable experience and thus improve your business on Airbnb.

What is superhost status?

Superhost status isn’t just a label designed to show that you’re a host who’s highly appreciated by your travelers. It’s also about showing your commitment to the quality of the welcome and services you offer, while guaranteeing the satisfaction of your tenants. Becoming a superhost will significantly improve your visibility on the platform, gain the trust of future travelers and increase your revenue.

The benefits of superhost status

In addition to being recognized as an exemplary host, superhost status offers a number of significant advantages:

  • Greater visibility: your listing will be highlighted in searches carried out by Airbnb users.
  • A badge that distinguishes your accommodation: travelers will be able to see that you have achieved superhost status, and will therefore be more inclined to book with you;
  • Privileged access to customer service: as a superhost, you’ll benefit from dedicated, priority support.
  • Criteria for obtaining superhost status on Airbnb
  • Superhost status is awarded to hosts who meet a number of specific criteria, reflecting their sense of service and hospitality.

Here are those criteria and our tips for meeting them:

Maintain a rapid response rate

To ensure that you are an attentive and available host, Airbnb will require that you maintain a rapid response rate of at least 90%. To achieve this, it’s highly recommended that you get into the habit of responding promptly to all traveler inquiries, whether they’re questions about your accommodation or reservations.

Ensuring an excellent overall rating

The reviews left by your travelers are essential for Superhost status. They testify to the quality of your welcome and accommodation. For example, you’ll need to maintain an average rating of 4.80/5 over the past 12 months. To achieve this, make sure you offer an impeccable experience every time you stay: take care to keep your accommodation clean, be attentive to your guests’ needs and give them personalized advice on discovering the area, for example.

Respect Airbnb’s booking rules

To qualify for superhost status, you must have hosted at least 10 travelers (or 3 bookings totalling a minimum of 100 nights) during the previous year, while avoiding last-minute cancellations. In the event of unforeseen circumstances preventing you from welcoming a traveler, try as far as possible to find an alternative solution to limit disappointment.

Develop your skills to become a superhost

To achieve superhost status, you need to meet certain criteria and constantly develop certain qualities. Find out here how to develop these skills and increase your chances of success:

Encourage exchanges with your travelers

One of the keys to getting good reviews and becoming a superhost is to create a real bond with your travelers. So make yourself available and take the time to talk with them before, during and after their stay. Empathize and put yourself in their shoes to better understand their expectations and needs.

Focus on cleanliness and comfort

Travelers attach particular importance to the cleanliness of their accommodation, an essential criterion for good feedback. So make sure you prepare your accommodation meticulously before each arrival: housekeeping, clean bed linen and sufficient basic supplies are all elements not to be neglected.

Offer extra services

To set yourself apart from other hosts and improve your ratings, don’t hesitate to offer additional services. These can range from breakfast included to the provision of a secure bike room or recommendations on activities and places to visit in your area. Think about the specific needs of your target clientele and tailor your offer accordingly.

Becoming a superhost on Airbnb is certainly a challenge, but it’s also a unique opportunity to improve your business on the platform while guaranteeing the satisfaction of your travelers. By demonstrating rigor, attentiveness and a sense of service, you’ll put all the chances on your side to earn this title and benefit from its many advantages.

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