Legal Terms

Identity of website publisher

The publisher of the site is MM RESIDENCES, a SAS with capital of €1,000, registered with the RCS of 895333672, whose registered office is located at 33 Boulevard du Général Leclerc 06240 Beausoleil, represented by its Chairman, Mr Matthieu MATHLOUTHI (hereinafter “Manasteos”).

Manasteos can be contacted via the contact form: by telephone: 06 82 26 25 08 – or Mail:



Manasteos offers short-term rental services (also known as seasonal rental) as well as concierge services (not part of property management).

Website publication manager

The Publishing Director is Mr Matthieu MATHLOUTHI.

Website design and hosting

The website was created by Sara Cammi Studio- Freelance WordPress/WooCommerce from the CMS WordPress under GPL license and is hosted by OVH – 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix.

Personal data protection

The services offered by Manasteos involve the processing of personal data. In this context, Manasteos undertakes to comply with the regulations applicable in France and Europe in accordance with its privacy policy on personal data available on the site.

Intellectual property

Manasteos holds the intellectual property rights relating to the site, its contents, the elements making it up, as well as all elements created within the framework of the services (photographs of accommodation, videos, graphics, guides, etc.). The user acknowledges that these terms and conditions do not confer any right of ownership over these intellectual property elements. The provision of these items shall not be construed as the transfer of any intellectual property rights whatsoever, within the meaning of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Thus, the right of access and use granted hereunder is exclusive of any transfer of intellectual property rights. This applies in particular to the rights referred to in articles L 122-1, L 122-6 and L 122-7 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Manasteos grants the user a worldwide, non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable right of access to and use of intellectual property. The user is strictly forbidden to make any other use of the intellectual property elements referred to above, in particular but not limited to reproduction, adaptation, modification, representation, translation, arrangement, distribution, decompilation.

The user undertakes not to infringe the rights of the owners in any way whatsoever, and not to carry out any act likely to result in the counterfeiting of all or part of any element or component of the site.

The user is hereby informed that any use not in compliance with the provisions of the present terms and conditions may expose him/her to legal action (unfair competition, counterfeiting, etc.).

The user is informed that Manasteos may use pre-existing works, in particular software for which it has obtained the necessary rights for use. In particular, the user is informed that the site may use so-called “free” or “open source” modules or libraries, or reproduce royalty-free images.

The licenses relating to these elements (which are available on written request) may contain pure and simple exclusions of all warranties. In this case, the user accepts that the holder cannot give any more guarantee than he himself has of the licenses for these elements. The holder therefore excludes all warranties relating to so-called “free” or “open source” elements whose licenses may contain a warranty exclusion.

Cold calling

No telephone canvassing is carried out without the user’s express consent.

In all cases, users are informed that if they do not wish to be the subject of commercial prospecting by telephone, they can register free of charge on a list of opposition to telephone canvassing: